Крюинг › Oceanwide Shipping & Chartering GmbH

Oceanwide Shipping & Chartering GmbH

  • Бремен, Domshof 14/15 28195 Bremen
  • 49(421)2404810; 49(421)2404832
  • 3 / оценок: 2

With a still growing demand for quality and safety by all customers, the shipping industry is facing new challenges every day to fulfil these needs. Oceanwide Shipping & Chartering with its highly skilled and motivated crew is offering a custom made service and is able to respond proactive and flexible to our customers special requirements.

We are mainly focussing on Container- and Tankershipping and are acting and operational offset for the shipping company Rigel, also based in Bremen.

Our commercial activities include Spot- and Timecharter, S&P and Newbuildings for various types and sizes of commercial vessels. For inquiries please contact our competent staff.

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