Крюинг › OLN «Operaciones Logisticas y Navieras»

OLN (olden LASA - Latin American Shipping Agencies)

  • Лима, Ave. República de Colombia, 671, 3rd Floor, San Isidro, Lima, 27
  • 51(1)7480320; fax: 51(1)7480666
  • 2 / оценок: 1

Нынешний OLN «Operaciones Logisticas y Navieras» бывший LASA (Latin American Shipping Agencies) is the largest regional port agency network in Latin America. We currently cover most South and Central American Ports through both our own offices and a selected network of sub agencies.

LASA offers a wide range of port and cargo services to an impressive number of ship-owners, managersand operators, traders, charterers, liner companies, among others. Our services include cargo procurement, liner agency, port agency, husbanding services, forwarding, logistics, cargo insurance, warehousing, etc. We have well-established experience with diverse operations on dry and liquid bulk, general cargo, container vessels, cruise, offshore, specialized carriers and fishing vessels, to name a few.

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