Крюинг › Alaska Marine Pilots, LLC

Alaska Marine Pilots, LLC

  • Датч-Харбор, 176 Kashega Drive P.O. Box 920226
  • (907) 581-1240
  • 0 / оценок: 1

In 1989, in response to the growing bottom fishing industry in western Alaska, Captain Bob Boyd formed Alaska Marine Pilots (AMP). For the first two years AMP operated as a sole proprietorship under the direction and control of Captain Boyd.

In 1991 the Alaska state legislator revamped Alaska's Marine Pilotage Act and created the Board of Marine Pilots to oversee all state pilotage activities and licensing requirements. With this action the state effectively ended all privately operated and owned pilotage groups in Alaska. The state was divided into three separate pilotage regions, allowing for only one state sanctioned pilotage group in each region. The regions created were; Southeast Alaska, Southwest Alaska, and Western Alaska which become known as region three.

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