Крюинг › Arian Marine Services

Arian Marine Services Co. Ltd.

  • Янгон, No-130, 3fl, Yuzana Hotel, Bahan Township
  • 95-1-2304192; 95-9-73108904
  • 0 / оценок: 1

Arian Marine Services Co Ltd is a Maritime Management Company duly registered at Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development - Union of Myanmar and Licensed as seafarer manning agency authorized by the Seaman Employment Control Division (SECD) Yangon-Myanmar. The company is certified 9001-2008 Quality Management System by United Kingdom Accreditation Society (UKAS) under Certificate No. Q920688.

Our passion in management of vessel crew manning and maritime management services sector set the foundation for our commitment to a quality, reliable and professional management of information, resources and services for all things to do with bringing together efficiently and effectively with safe, efficient, environment- friendly and cost effective operation of the vessels.

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