Крюинг › Xars Equipment & Trucking Company Limited

Xars Equipment & Trucking Company Limited

  • Кингстон, 126-132 Second Street, Newport West, P O Box 1813, Kingston 8
  • 1876-923-7589
  • 0 / оценок: 1

Xars Equipment and Trucking Company Limited was established in 1982.  We carry on the business of Container/Heavy Haulage (island-wide), Commercial Warehousing, Freight Consolidation and Forwarding. 

We are family owned and managed.  Our Chairman and CEO Ruel C. Gibson, ably assisted by a competent team of experienced professionals, has a wealth of knowledge in Transport Logistics, Warehousing, and Freight Management. 

Our CEO is a very active member of the business community out of which we operate, has served on numerous occasions as President of the Port Trailer Haulage Association and has always been a member of its executive since 1982. He  served on the Board of the Shipping Association of Jamaica on several occasions and is Chairman of the Newport West Corporate Citizens Association. 

Xars is a member of the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce, Jamaica Exporters Association, The Shipping Association of Jamaica, Newport West Corporate Citizens Association and the Port Trailer Haulage Association.

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